
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fleet Review: Kato E5A and Silver Streak Zephyr

Ah, the CB&Q Silver Streak. A gleaming silver testament to luxury and speed. A 2000hp stainless steel work of art. The Silver Streak began operation on April 15, 1940 on a daily Lincoln-Omaha-St. Joseph-Kansas City round trip. The trains name came from the Silver Streak Zephyr, The train portrayed in the Paramount Motion Picture. The real life train currently lives at the Illinois Railway Museum
        Kato released its version as a 5 car set in 2012, complete in a nice bookshelf case. The E5A units used the same chassis and mechanism as Kato's E8's, but had vastly different shells representing the Unique body of CB&Q units. 


When you first open the case you get the standard info and warranty, along with some extra padding to protect your sweet new train. Initially only the top 6 slots are used, but since Kato also produced 2 other E5's (each with a unique name and number), they have very generously added 2 extra engine slots for them should you acquire more. 

 I couldn't help it, I acquired more....

 The engines themselves in true Kato fashion run like clockwork. They are fairly quiet, but there is some noticeable hum from the motors. The E5A included with the set(The Silver Bullet) has sexy streamlined skirting on the trucks, whereas the add on units, to represent more general use, do not. Both use the same mechanism, include 2 flywheels, and you are able to remove the pilot on both should you wish to double up.   MRC offers a drop in sound decoder if you want sound as well. Though I run DC for now.
Oh, and both units have no traction tires, so there is all wheel pickup, and all 3 axles on each truck are driven. I wouldn't worry about pulling power, they are quite hefty and they easily make it up the steep 2% grade on my clubs layout, and a pair have no problems pulling 30+(probably more) assorted freight cars around my home layout.

The cars have great, crisp details. and include a baggage, RPO, a pair of coaches, and an observation car. when you first get the set, only the drum head, tail lights, and marker lights are lit. Which given the small size, especially of the markers is pretty dang cool. If you wanna light these puppies up all you need is one box of kato's V2 lighting kits. there's 6 in a box, you get 5 cars, so there's no problem!

and then he said,"let there be light!"

All in all, this is a great set. It looks sharp, glides along effortlessly, and gleams in the sun like...oh forget it, just buy one. you wont be disappointed! 
Another A+ for Kato!

And so there was, and all was good...

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