So in the mountain department, the SS Eisenhower Hotel and Casino is done. Like done done. No mas. Is even lighted now using some LED strip lights I
DONE!!(just the boat tho)
Also in is the long awaited trolley station, A Walthers Union Crane and Shovel kit. its painted, weathered and in place where it needs to be. It is not however fixed yet because I need to make sure it is the right height to the EL line, the girder sections of which should be coming in sooner(hopefully) rather than later. After that its plaster cloth and scenery time.
Southbend in all its glory
As you might be able to also tell from the above picture, I've started to plan out some of the roads and were buildings will go. Because of the sub docks taking up much of the scene in Southbend, theres likely going to be less buildings than I originally intended, but I'm hoping that once the trolley line goes in it'll fill up some space and look more dense. I just gotta figure out what I want to be there!
But all in all, its starting to look more layouty...well at least one end is, but that good! Its come a long way from a door I stole from the garbage with pink foam on top!
Its getting there!
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