Progress on the mountain is, well, progressing. Albeit slowly. I have been working on the ship to get it ready for mounting. so I can call this dumb mountain done and go do something else.
So I started by stripping the paint and priming it with krylon gray primer, then drilled out the portholes(which took forever). masking and painting the hull and super structure was pretty straight forward.
Front boat is done, butt boat still needs work
I also stopped at the Great Scale Train Show in Timonum MD and picked up a little laser cut shed from Northeastern Scale Models Inc. The Purpose for this little shed is going to be a substation that will provide power to the 2 halves of the ship via "power" lines that connect to the masts on either end. The building is finished, as well as a little power pole that I scratch built using some spare bits I had just plotzing around.
its a substation!
All that's left to do is slap on some paint and its good to go. Connecting up the power lines should be a piece of cake.
And speaking of power lines, here is a close up of what I have been dubbing "front boat" with all the rigging finished. Still needs a touch of weathering, but I'll do that once I get the other end(butt boat) done
Still not sure how it got in the mountain in the first place...
Here is the mountain in all its glory, I cleaned up the area around it a bit, but I think the next thing I'm going to work on is the sub dock. But we shall see, still a lot to do for the hotel and mountain.
stay tuned!
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