The first versions of this little industrial critter were released by Bachmann way back in the 70's. There have apparently been at least 3 other versions of it since then, but this one is a gen 4 if you will, the latest 2015 release. Cant say much on the other versions since I ain't got em.
The packaging is quite attractive...even if the locomotive isnt!
I picked this little guy up at my LHS. Was an impulse buy really, thought it was an ugly little bugger and decided I needed right then a switcher for my layout. I honestly wasn't expecting much from it. It was cheap as dirt ($32.00), wasn't a particularly pretty loco, and it was a Bachmann(QC could very likely be off). but hell, it was yellow, and I like yellow!
this picture actually turned our pretty ok
Turns out, she was an ugly little gem of an engine. Popping the shell off is an easy affair, and reveals a pretty standard split metal chassis. The motor is some kind of can(can't count the poles) hidden in the 'cab' section and drives a worm gear on a short little axle. All 6 wheels are geared and all six pick up juice from the track. oh, and there's a non-directional headlight in there too. Just a standard grain of wheat bulb, no led.
'with the outer shell removed, the soft innards are exposed to waiting predators...'
There were two surprises with this thing, one: it came with magnetic knuckles. The Bachmann variety I believe(I am not an expert on N scale knuckles), and two: it runs really well! The heft of the all metal chassis plus the all wheel pickup probably helps this thing to keep contact and push through even uninsulated switches. not to mention that the slow speed creep on this baby is not bad at all.
Now I've found that while it does run well, if you don't mess with it for a bit it will need a bit of 'warming up' before it starts to run smoothly. I run this thing for hours at my club running on a mine with a reversing switch, and have had no problems so far with it.
So sure, its not pretty, and its a Bachmann, but its respectable, good even. perhaps a bit of weathering would help it look a little more, gooderer...but that's just a nit pick. If your ever in a bind for a cheap switcher, check this guy out.
pose for the camera