Well, its been a while, but I've finally got a bunch of the materials I need to continue on. Most notably the elevated track sections. A friend gifted me a set of Chicago style EL sections from the lovely people at Imagine That Laser Art. Their kits (of which they have many) are all laser cut plywood and the detail on them is top notch! Having built some laser cut junk before these went together with fairly little problem, though you do have to be careful with the N scale version of them to make sure everything lines up right.
But any who, I got the first section done which allowed me to finalize the proper height for the trolley station into the mountain, which also allowed me to finally start gluing the the dang thing together!
The first section coming together. Words of wisdom though, computers aren't good workbenches.
In this next picture, the actual elevated section is complete and I'm lining up the height of the station with the deck of the platform. The next step is to permanently glue the station into the forming rock face. That long white sheet is actually a hunk of sheet plastic. the plan is to use that as the road base and build up the sidewalks with cardboard. It sounds silly, but I've seen it done else were so Imma give it a try!
This is a stencil I created of the area in the picture above. A full Map of the road/ground. I'll transfer the shape to that plastic sheet and spray it road color. Hopefully I got the shape right because that plastic sheet ain't cheap!
Look at that EL track though! Isn't it awesome?
But hopefuly I can really start to ramp building up now that I have all the things I need to actually move forward. Which is great, because I'm tired of looking at boring spray painted foam!
Ding Ding! next stop, more updates!